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Principal Investigator

Dr. Caren Chang
Professor and Associate Department Chair
B.A., Biophysics,
UC Berkeley, 1982
PhD, Molecular Biology
CalTech, 1988
Dr. John Miller
Chang Lab 2022

Graduate Students
Spencer Smith
Priyanka S Bharadwaj
Husan Turdiev

Undergraduate Students
Lizbeth Sanchez
Sami Smith (graduated!)
Jasmine Tran

High School Student
Divine Enyi

Some former lab members
Dr. Karen Clark 12/94-9/97 - Staff Scientist at NCBI/NLM, Maryland
Dr. Paul Larsen 8/97-6/00 - Postdoc, USDA/NRICGP Postdoctoral Grant, Now Assoc. Professor at University of California, Riverside
Dr. Ruth Stadler 11/99-2/01 - Postdoc, German Science Society Fellow, Now Professor at Universität Erlangen- Nürnberg, Germany
Dr. Chi-Kuang Wen 10/97-8/02 - Postdoc, Now Professor, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, China
Dr. An Michiels 4/03-9/04 - Postdoc, Belgian American Educational Foundation Fellowship, Now at BayerCrop Science
Dr. Chunhai Dong 12/05-9/10 - Postdoc, Now Taishan Scholar (Professor), Qingdao Agricultural University, China
Dr. Ruiqiang Chen 3/08-12/10 - Postdoc, Now Research Associate, Johns Hopkins University
Dr. Jason Shockey 9/97-12/04 - PhD, Now Administrative Lab Manager, NEI/NIH, Maryland
Dr. Josephine Resnick 8/01-12/06 - PhD, Now Biologist, FDA, Maryland
Dr. Mandy Kendrick 1/03-5/09 - PhD USDA NNF Training Grant Fellow AAAS Mass Media Science & Engineering Fellow, Now postdoc at University of Missouri
Dr. Maximo Rivarola 9/03-10/08 - PhD, Now Scientist, Biotechnology Institute, National Institute of Agronomic Technology. Argentina
Dr. Christopher McClellan 4/04-8/09 - PhD, Now Postdoc, The Scottish Crop Research Institute, Dundee, Scotland
Dr. Bram Van de Poel 8/13-8/14 - Now Professor, University of Leuven, Belgium
Dr. Jennifer Shemansky 2016- PhD, Now Biologist, FDA, Maryland
Dr. John Clay 2018 - PhD, Now Biologist, FDA, Maryland
Dr. Wangshu Mou, Zhejiang University, China
Dr. DongdongLi, Zhejiang University, China
Dr. Yun-Ting Kao
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